Let me get the ball rolling by expressing my gratitude.
Although I’m certain that I’ve implied it in my newsletters to those of you who have signed up for membership in The Mental Health Gym, I don’t know that I’ve specifically stated my thanks and appreciation.
I’m really thankful to those of you who have bought into my version of Positive Psychology and its application through the concept of Goal-Achieving Psychotherapy. I am particularly thankful to those of you who have communicated to me the positive impact that The Mental Health Gym has had on your lives. I am thankful that you are living by these principles and have chosen to move forward rather than staying stuck and wallowing. And I am thankful to those of you who have spread the word to others.
An added word of thanks goes to those professionals who now use these concepts to supplement the important work that you do to help others every day.
I just wasn’t going to let another year go by without letting you know of my appreciation and thanks.
When I said, I was going to get the ball rolling in this regard, I meant that I hope others of you will see this as a challenge and opportunity to use this special time of the year to thank those people whom you may take for granted but who impact your lives in a positive ways. These may not be the people who have a gift-giving relationship with you and may never realize how much you gain from them – UNLESS YOU LET THEM KNOW. I’m speaking of those members of your circle of acquaintances who – in the way they interact with you – let you know that you are important and respected.
There is is no better time to start than now – when the end of one presents an obvious opportunity to express gratitude for the past year, and when a new year provides with the opportunity to begin a new tradition of letting people know that they are appreciated. When you think about it, you may be surprised at how many people you can thank for the undramatic but decent ways that they demonstrate that you are valued.