Often times, when we fall short of meeting our objectives, we tend to blame our shortcomings on a condition.
The good news is that most of the time, what we call conditions are really behaviors – AND BEHAVIORS CAN BE CHANGED!
Being too emotional or too young or too afraid or too inexperienced or too old are reflections of a thinking process that determines that we what we believe to be conditions are really changeable behaviors. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and various other therapies have been demonstrated to effect behavior change by changing the way that we think. Relaxation training, mindfulness meditation, and biofeedback have worked wonders in changing the behaviors of people who regarded themselves as incapable of relaxing.
There are medical conditions such as asthma and diabetes and disc disease and arthritis that impose limitations on what a person can do, but there usually is a range of behaviors that can be accomplished even when a condition may limit you from doing all the things that you might do if you were healthier.
The important thing is to not limit ourselves by something that we artificially define as a condition. To many times, calling something a condition limits us from attempting a behavior change – and change is always a pathway to personal growth. It all starts with the thinking process. When you find yourself hesitant to try something new, it’s time to ask yourself whether there is a real limitation to doing so or are you limiting yourself by not acknowledging that you are really dealing with a behavior – AND BEHAVIORS CAN BE CHANGED!