My new book will be out this summer, and I hope that you will read it regardless of your age. It’s titled, “Rejuvenaging: The Art and Science of Growing Older with Enthusiasm”.
As it’s title implies, the target market is made up of those who are in the second half-century of their lives. The message is very clear. The aging process can be a wonderful and productive time of life if you have the positive outlook, health, friendships, and financial wherewithal to enjoy it. Old age occurs in a context; it doesn’t suddenly appear. It can be planned for. That’s why, rather early in the book, I encourage people to start growing old early.
I don’t mean it literally. Actually, you should want to hang onto your youthfulness as long as you can, even well into old age. But if you don’t prepare for it, you can become a pretty miserable and depressed old person. Some of my contemporaries are leading far less active lives than my wife or I or some of our friends because they are dealing with the residuals of lengthy histories of poor eating habits, smoking, sedentary lifestyles, and being too busy to develop quality friendships. Even if they are financially comfortable many of them are unhappy.
In the book, I recommend 7 keys to Rejuvenaging, and they are centered around building a physically healthy lifestyle, keeping you mind active, maintaining active social involvements – including doing good for others. It is also critically important to maintain a positive mindset and to appreciate the good that permeates your life on a daily basis. And what’s really important to recognize is that you can develop these habits when you are young to enhance your chances of growing older with enthusiasm.
That’s what I mean when I encourage people to start growing old early!
To stay alert to news about the upcoming book as well as the next one that I’m working on – Goal-Achieving Psychology: The Psychology for Life – and several other upcoming information products, join The Mental Health Gym (at no cost) at