When I first learned Mindfulness Meditation, I was immediately impressed by several features of the discipline. Obviously, I found it relaxing and a way to help manage stress. I also began to appreciate being “in the moment” more – which enabled me to attain greater pleasure from my surroundings or the people with whom I…
Do You Know How Sedentary You Are?
After having a perfectly good smart phone and not being able to justify the purchase of a new one for about 4 years, I recently joined technology’s modern world and bought an iPhone 6. Among it’s many features, it came preloaded with an App that counts how many steps you take during the course of…
It’s Time To Practice New Year’s Resolutions
It’s two months until the new year begins. When January 1st rolls around, many people throughout the world will be making New Year’s Resolutions. A high percentage of those resolutions will fail. While there are a lot of reasons why people are unsuccessful in keeping their resolutions, including a lack of serious motivation or choosing…
When You Help Others, You Gain
There is a consistent body of research demonstrating that being involved with others is associated with emotional health, and the impact upon personal mental health is even greater when that involvement includes helping others. Involvement in helping others is not only a form of increased socialization, but there are reciprocal benefits. When you do good…
Winning Isn’t Everything – But It’s Not Nothing Either
Woody Allen has been quoted as saying the 80% of success is just showing up. Although there is obvious humor in that quote, there is also a good deal of truth to it – in both directions. If you show up and participate, you have a lot better chance of having your talents noticed and…
Write Down Your Goals
Most of us have more good ideas, intentions, and plans than we ever achieve. We increase the chances of achieving them if we turn them into goals. Certain behaviors are important in order to transform our thoughts into goals. We move from having thoughts to having behaviors when we establish goals that are concrete, realistic,…
Learning From Our Mistakes
Thomas Edison said it best: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Anybody who has achieved anything has made mistakes along the way. The only way to avoid mistakes is to take the safest course, aim below our potential, and not try anything new. Making a mistake should not be…
Do You Have Any Personal Stop Signs?
When I drive down the road and I see a sign that reads, STOP, I stop. I generally don’t try to figure out why the sign was placed there. I assume that most stop signs are there for a purpose. They are not the result of some random process but rather are placed where they…
What Do You Like About Yourself?
It’s not a trick question. What do you like about yourself? When I ask that question of my therapy patients, as I inevitably do, the number who struggle to find an answer never fails to amaze me. Happily some are able to answer the question quickly and forthrightly. Too many others, however, are eager to try…
Choose To Be Positive
There is a lot of research verifying the fact that positive people tend to accomplish more and have better health. The research is all well and good, but observation is also important. And there is one thing that I have yet to observe. I’ve never observed a positive-oriented person suggest that s/he would somehow be…
Don’t Play “Prevent Defense”
Some preseason games have already been played, and it is only a few short weeks until the games that count begin. Football season will soon be upon us in America. For many of us, football has replaced baseball as our national pastime – perhaps because it’s easier to fit watching 16 games into our busy…