Is It Tragic – Or Just “Too Bad”

The late Albert Ellis, one of the pioneers in the field of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, introduced the word, catastrophizing, into the psychology practice literature. Catastrophizing refers to the cognitive processing of information in such a way that things that are objectively annoying, inconvenient or unpleasant are treated as if they are awful, horrendous, or tragic.  There is…

Are You A Leader? Of Course!

Are You A Leader? Of Course!

Like many of you, I am on Twitter and find it to be a really helpful source of information. There is one thing I don’t like about it, however.  The people in one’s network are called your Followers.  I’ve always felt that Participants would be a better name because your so-called followers who re-tweet the…

Don't Work At Relaxing

Don’t Work At Relaxing

When I teach relaxation skills or biofeedback, I encourage my patients to practice twice a day at roughly the same times each day so that their bodies and brains begin to treat to their “behavior medicine” in the same way that they would adjust to a daily oral medication. People who have regular meditation practices…