Are You Comfortable Spending Time Alone?

On many occasions, I’ve discussed the importance of social connectedness.  Being socially connected provides you with more opportunities to have fun and to have a support system.  Furthermore, during the aging process, there is a strong association between loneliness and poor health and a shorter lifespan. Something that can get lost in the process when…

Don’t Turn Meditation Into A Chore

I’m old enough to remember when meditation wasn’t much of a thing – at least not outside of Asia.  I never learned about it during my Bachelors, Masters, or Doctoral programs.  When meditation began to gain some prominence in the last third of the 20th century, it was initially kind of a fringe practice before…

Learning From The Meditators

When I first learned Mindfulness Meditation, I was immediately impressed by several features of the discipline. Obviously, I found it relaxing and a way to help manage stress. I also began to appreciate being “in the moment” more – which enabled me to attain greater pleasure from my surroundings or the people with whom I…

Don't Work At Relaxing

Don’t Work At Relaxing

When I teach relaxation skills or biofeedback, I encourage my patients to practice twice a day at roughly the same times each day so that their bodies and brains begin to treat to their “behavior medicine” in the same way that they would adjust to a daily oral medication. People who have regular meditation practices…