At this time of the year, when we just celebrated Mother’s Day and prepare to celebrate Father’s Day next month, it always brings to my mind a question that I remember from my youth. It was pretty universal in my generation to ask the following question – particularly after seeing parents receiving gifts and being…
A Time For Respect and Caring
If you’ve been to your local mall or downtown shopping area in the past few days, you don’t need a calendar to let you know what time of the year this is. The rush to find suitable decorations and gifts (hopefully at bargain prices) is an obvious indicator that this is the time of the…
Using Thanksgiving To Kick-Start A Thankful Year
This is being written on the day before Thanksgiving in America. Although celebration dates differ, many countries have similar holidays. While it is appropriate to take a day off and focus on the many things for which we are grateful, particularly if we can spend the day with family and friends, I always see Thanksgiving…
My New Year’s Pledge To You
I’m not usually very big on making New Year’s resolutions. The main one that I annually make, and usually am pretty good at keeping, is that I resolve to write the current year – rather than last year – on checks, progress notes, and other material that needs to be dated. Other than that, I…
Make Happiness Day a Kickstarter
Friday, March 20th, was International Day of Happiness. Did you celebrate it? I deliberately decided to delay writing this blog until after the day was over. I believe that Happiness Day belongs in a category of special days like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Thanksgiving, Independence Day and Veterans’ Day. Having those special days are helpful…
Reflecting On Your 2014
As the New Year approaches, it is natural to want to focus on plans for the future, changes that we’d like to make, and hopes for improvement in ourselves, our community, and the rest of the world. That’s great! A forward looking mindset keeps us open to growth and change. The process of looking ahead,…
The Holiday Season; A Time For Accepting
This is a time for celebrating! In addition to being a time for welcoming in a new year – with all the hope that it brings for positive change, it is also a time when many of the world’s religions and cultures celebrate important holidays. Holiday celebrations are special interludes in our busy lives. In…
A Time For Giving Thanks
Yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving in the United States. It is one of my favorite holidays because it has come to be associated with three of my favorite activities – being with family, eating good food, and watching football. It is also a special time for giving thanks. Many countries and cultures have rituals associated with…
It’s Time To Practice New Year’s Resolutions
It’s two months until the new year begins. When January 1st rolls around, many people throughout the world will be making New Year’s Resolutions. A high percentage of those resolutions will fail. While there are a lot of reasons why people are unsuccessful in keeping their resolutions, including a lack of serious motivation or choosing…
Let Activity Be Your Default
One of the good things about setting goals is that it forms the basis for initiating a chain of behaviors directed at goal-achieving. As long as you stay with your plan, you will stay active in pursuit of your goals. It’s a really simple concept but an important one. If you have something to do,…
Take A Holiday From Technology
It finally happened. My hard drive crashed. Thanks to being pretty good about having my stuff backed up, I didn’t lose too much data. But it was an inconvenience to take the computer for diagnosis and repair, wait a day for the new drive to be installed, reinstall some programs that aren’t on the new…