You Are Your Competition

I’m a pretty competitive guy. There have been times, however, particularly when I was younger when my competitiveness worked against me. Why? Because I hadn’t yet learned that I am my competition. Whether I was in the classroom or in the gym or in a social setting, I sometimes held myself back from trying as…

Maintaining Balance In Your Life

Members and followers of The Mental Health Gym know that we emphasize the importance of growing and changing in three main areas: health and fitness; intellectual functioning; and social functioning. People who are making progress in all three areas essentially are committed to moving forward in a mentally healthy way. Coincidentally, if you pay attention…

Do You Know How Sedentary You Are?

After having a perfectly good smart phone and not being able to justify the purchase of a new one for about 4 years, I recently joined technology’s modern world and bought an iPhone 6. Among it’s many features, it came preloaded with an App that counts how many steps you take during the course of…

It’s Time To Practice New Year’s Resolutions

It’s two months until the new year begins. When January 1st rolls around, many people throughout the world will be making New Year’s Resolutions. A high percentage of those resolutions will fail. While there are a lot of reasons why people are unsuccessful in keeping their resolutions, including a lack of serious motivation or choosing…

When You Help Others, You Gain

There is a consistent body of research demonstrating that being involved with others is associated with emotional health, and the impact upon personal mental health is even greater when that involvement includes helping others. Involvement in helping others is not only a form of increased socialization, but there are reciprocal benefits. When you do good…

What Do You Like About Yourself?

It’s not a trick question.  What do you like about yourself? When I ask that question of my therapy patients, as I inevitably do, the number who struggle to find an answer never fails to amaze me. Happily some are able to answer the question quickly and forthrightly.  Too many others, however, are eager to try…

Choose To Be Positive

There is a lot of research verifying the fact that positive people tend to accomplish more and have better health.  The research is all well and good, but observation is also important.  And there is one thing that I have yet to observe. I’ve never observed a positive-oriented person suggest that s/he would somehow be…

Maintenance Isn’t Just For Machines

Maintenance Isn’t Just For Machines (Transcription) [audio:|titles=Maintenance Isnt Just For Machines|artists=Dr. Ron Kaiser] Hi this is Dr. Ron Kaiser with your podcast for April 2014 from The Mental Health Gym. Let me start by asking whether you remember back to your school days when you took a class that wasn’t a subject that you weren’t particularly…

Little Things Mean a Lot

Little Things Mean a Lot (Transcription) [audio:|titles=Little Things Mean A Lot|artists=Dr. Ron Kaiser] Hi this is Dr. Ron Kaiser with your March 2014 podcast from The Mental Health Gym. This month’s podcast is titled “Little Things mean A Lot”. Anybody who was around sixty years ago may recall that there was a popular song to…