Are You Asserting Yourself Appropriately?

When psychologists speak of assertiveness, they typically are referring to being able to express your thoughts and feelings honestly while not impacting on the rights of others.  Unassertive people are easily taken advantage of because they don’t stand up for their own rights – and they may make purchases that they don’t need or work…

Accept My Heartfelt Thanks

This blog is being written at the end of Thanksgiving weekend in America. I hope that you had a chance to celebrate with family and friends, and I hope that you all found lots of reasons to feel grateful and give thanks. I started thinking that I may never have adequately given thanks to those…

When You Help Others, You Gain

There is a consistent body of research demonstrating that being involved with others is associated with emotional health, and the impact upon personal mental health is even greater when that involvement includes helping others. Involvement in helping others is not only a form of increased socialization, but there are reciprocal benefits. When you do good…